WordPress Images Won't Align

WordPress relies on themes to allow users to align images and create captions. If your theme doesn’t support alignment or captions, you’ll find adding images to WordPress to be very frustrating. WordPress provides documentation to fix this problem, but it’s requires that you edit your theme’s CSS file: .aligncenter, div.aligncenter { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .alignleft { float: left; } .alignright { float: right; } Backup your Theme First Before you edit your WordPress theme, always make sure you have a backup because WordPress editor does not allow you to undo mistakes.

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WordPress User Generated Content

An amazing start-up that I provide consulting for recently used WordPress to build user-generated consumer complaints feature. The idea behind ConsumerBell is to empower consumers by grouping their complaints together and giving them leverage. For ConsumerBell to work, they need complaints! So, they built a beautiful feature for users to submit and publish their complaints. There are several ways to publish moderated user-generated content in WordPress. ConsumerBell built a custom plugin, but I’ve found some other interesting ways to solve the problem of generating user created content without programming.

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Food Keywords for Raw Food Recipies

One of my favorite bloggers is a raw food blogger named Addicted to Veggies (ATV). She recently mentioned wanting to earn income for the hard work she puts into her amazing original raw food recipes. So, I started thinking about keywords for her blog. Later that week, I came across a raw food site called from Sad to Raw that had a banner at the bottom advertising, “#3 for the search Raw Food Recipes”.

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